
Visually enrich your online presence with Australian financial stock images whilst also creating an inviting space for your ideal client.

Transform your visual content and maximise your marketing in the finance industry. Stunning feminine images to attract, educate and convert your dream client.


Where are all the feminine financial stock images?’

Finding Australian finance content has always been hard…

Until now…

Financial stock images are perfect if you feel…..

  • You can’t find suitable images
  • The images available are uninspiring
  • Everyone is using the same images
  • Your brand feels mismatched
  • You want your visual presence to be relatable to your clients
  • There are limited images featuring Australian currency

If you’re a woman in finance ready to bring modern, light and fresh visual content to an industry that’s previously been missing this option…

Financial Stock Images - Home finances-running small home business
Financial Stock Images - Home finances-running small home business

Explore Our Images

Royalty-free stock images

The answer to stunning finance stock images. Reinvent the visual landscape of the finance industry with confidence.


Quality, professional images are at your fingertips. Whether you’re a bookkeeper, accountant, money mentor, wealth coach, financial advisor, insurance sales manager, or mortgage broker…..

Discover high-resolution images for:

  • Printing on PDFs, posters, and flyers
  • Publications or advertisement materials
  • Printing on merchandise for branding or gifts
  • Modifying – including resizing, cropping, or use in design apps
  • Website use, backgrounds, hero images, and social media
Australian financial stock images
Australian financial stock images
Australian financial stock images

Numbers are your forte….. beautiful photography is ours

Can’t justify the outlay of $$ for a professional photo shoot every time you need new images? Need loads of quality yet affordable finance images?

The solution to your missing puzzle (visual content) piece is right here.

Social Media

Fill your grid and your blogs with all the beautiful images your heart desires.

All social media images are sized specifically for social media use, blogs and smaller website images.

Print Media

Printing something? Print media images are what you’ll need.

High Resolution images are perfect for all printing needs, marketing collateral and hero web images.


Are you a web designer, graphic designer or VA working with clients in the finance industry?

Commercial images come with a commercial licence allowing you to use an image across multiple client projects, within a template or to sell within a design.

A curated collection of financial stock images created with you, your clients and today’s digital climate in mind. Modern colour palettes for the style conscious woman in business.

Where and when will you use financial stock images in your daily business life?

  • Website
  • Social Media
  • Lead Magnet/Opt-Ins
  • Blog Posts
  • Online Advertisements
  • Pinterest
  • Webinars
  • Masterclasses
  • PDF’s/Workbooks
  • Podcast Graphics

Financial affairs mean knowing the bottom line.

Why choose financial stock images?

Time Saving

You already have to cram family life, business, and socials into your busy schedule. No more time wasted trying to find images.

Australian Currency

We only shoot images with Australian currency.

Unique images

Make your mark with images different from the masses.

On trend

Share on-brand, modern aesthetics that fit seamlessly into your grid.


All pricing in AUD inc GST


Financial Stock Images - Leveraging Financial Stock Images for Business Success
Leveraging Financial Stock Images for Business Success
Financial Stock Images - Working from home using a laptop for business..
Ten ideas on how to use financial stock images
5 Reasons you need financial stock images in your life
5 Reasons you need financial stock images in your life

Want to create unique social media content in your brand colours?

Great news….

We created 10 custom-built templates that will transform your social media and digital marketing. We even created a ‘how to’ video to make each step easier than ever. Download your 10 premade Canva finance Templates for free.

    Financial Stock Images, Sarah Aktag
    Got a question?

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Financial Stock Images offers royalty-free financial stock images you can use within your business.

    • Financial Stock Images is an Australian small family business that supports women in growing their online presence by providing on-brand, unique, relevant images.
    • Our images are exclusively sold through the Financial Stock Images website so you won’t find them on any other stock website.
    • You will save time finding feminine money/ finance images in one place and it’s quick and easy as well as affordable to purchase individual images.
    • No membership – Simply buy individual images as you desire.

    Using Australian stock images means your visual content will feature Australian currency and you’ll also be supporting a small Australian business.

    The image resolution is as follows:
    – Social media/website on the longest side 1600px 72dpi
    – Print 4000px on the longest side 300dp

    You cannot share Financial Stock Images directly with others who haven’t purchased the image. The images are not for sale or re-distribution

    You cannot sell any image you purchase from Financial Stock Images.

    Financial Stock Images can be used for:

    • Social media
    • Website
    • Blogs
    • Ads
    • PDF’s
    • Promotional material
    • Training

    For more inspiration and ideas on how to use Financial Stock Images check out our blog 10 ways to use financial images to be on brand

    The images cannot be used for resale or re-distribution.

    Any images purchased are instantly received and accessible to you via email.

    Stock photography is a ready-made photography service with wider sharing licenses that allow you to use an image despite not being the original photographer or editor. Photographers shoot, edit and place collections of images online for the wider population to purchase and use. By nature, stock images often include everyday, relatable styles and props such as coffee mugs, flowers, stationery, food, and digital devices like computers, tablets, and phones.

    There is no time limit regarding usage. You can use the images for as long as you like.

    Yes, you can purchase an image for clients or customers. To do this you will need to buy the commercial image which provides you with a commercial licence.