Posts Tagged with “Australian”

Financial Stock Images - Leveraging Financial Stock Images for Business Success

Leveraging Financial Stock Images for Business Success

Leveraging Financial Stock Images for Business Success: How On-Brand Images Can Boost Your ROI (Return on Investment). As a business owner, it is crucial to make the best possible impression on your clients. One way to achieve this goal is to create a visually stunning environment that reflects your brand identity. This is where professional stock photography comes in handy. With stock images, you can create a cohesive visual brand identity across all your marketing materials, including your website, social media, and print advertisements.

But, you may wonder, what is the return on investment (ROI) of investing in on-brand stock images? In this blog post, we will explore the five key ways that on-brand stock images can provide a high Return on investment (ROI) for your business.

Creating a professional brand image

First impressions matter, and the visual impression you create for your clients can make or break a sale. Investing in on-brand stock images can help you create a professional and consistent brand image that is visually appealing to your clients. This can help increase brand recognition and client engagement, which ultimately translates into increased sales.

Saving time and money

Hiring a professional photographer to take custom photographs can be costly and time-consuming. On the other hand, stock photography offers a cost-effective solution that can save you time and money. With on-brand stock images, you can easily find high-quality photographs that fit your brand identity and marketing needs without breaking the bank.

Boosting engagement rates

Visual content has become increasingly important in digital marketing, and stock images can help increase engagement rates across your marketing channels. By incorporating on-brand stock images into your social media posts, blog articles, and email marketing campaigns, you can capture the attention of your target audience and increase engagement rates. This, in turn, can lead to increased website traffic and sales.

Building a consistent brand identity

One of the most significant benefits of on-brand stock images is the ability to create a consistent brand identity across all your marketing materials. This can help increase brand recognition and client loyalty, which ultimately translates into increased sales. By using on-brand stock images, you can create a cohesive visual brand identity that reflects your brand’s values and resonates with your clients.

Maximizing flexibility

Finally, on-brand stock images offer a high degree of flexibility, allowing you to use them in a variety of marketing materials. You can use stock images for your website, social media, email marketing, digital advertising, and print advertising campaigns. This flexibility allows you to get the most out of your investment in on-brand stock images and helps ensure that your marketing materials are visually appealing and consistent across all channels.

Investing in on-brand stock images can provide a high return on investment for your business. By creating a professional brand using stock images, saving time and money, boosting engagement rates, building a consistent brand identity, and maximizing flexibility. On-brand stock images can help increase brand recognition, client engagement, and ultimately, sales. So, if you haven’t already, it’s time to start investing in on-brand stock images to take your business to the next level.

Browse our financial stock image shop to find the perfect images for your business needs.

Financial Stock Images - Running small home business

How to avoid Canva fatigue

Financial Stock Images have injected your financial stock options with something new and exciting. Discover 10 unique Canva finance templates featuring Australian financial stock images and Australian currency plus access to a ‘how to’ video showing how to edit templates to suit your branding colours and to avoid Canva fatigue.

Beautiful Australian financial stock images can feel impossible to find. Type the words ‘financial stock photos’ or ‘Australian currency photos’ into a search field and 9 out of 10 times the results are uninspiring.

The limited options are usually outdated and reminiscent of something found in the 1990s. For all the optimistic women in business who have never stopped seeking stunning visuals, we have created 10 stunning finance stock images and also 10 Canva finance templates for you.

With Canva a well-renowned and user-friendly design platform, several Canva images and templates have become so popular they’ve saturated the digital market. Many visuals have begun looking really familiar as everyone scoops up the same popular styles.

If you’ve found yourself feeling a bit of Canva fatigue and have grown tired of relying on premade templates everyone else is using, we’ve created something special to allow you to use Canva without looking the same as everyone else and how to avoid Canva fatigue.

Why use our 10 premade Canva finance templates?

Five reasons to use our free, custom-built templates, with unique Australian financial stock images.

  1. Australian-themed – The templates feature Australian financial stock images and Australian currency only.
  2. Unique imagery and templates – You’ll stand out when using templates and images different from what the masses are using.
  3. Familiar app – Designed in Canva, you don’t need to learn a new design app, simply select your preferred template and enjoy the ease of Canva without looking the same as everyone else in your industry.
  4. Time-saving – Premade templates help you publish your content more quicker. Simply edit and post.
  5. On trend- The templates have been created for you to share on-brand, modern aesthetics that fit seamlessly into your grid.

What industries will benefit from using Australian Financial Stock images?

Our 10 premade Canva finance templates make perfect social media content for:

Book Keepers


Insurance salespeople

Mortgage brokers

Financial Advisors


Female Entrepreneurs – With so many women in business running their own companies and wearing all the hats (including looking after financials) any businesswoman will find the premade templates convenient.

Say farewell to the boring, typical, and non-Australian financial templates that have been seen and used. Swap them for something refreshing, beautiful, sophisticated, and modern.

Here are your 10 premade Canva finance Templates – We’ve created 10 unique financial templates in Canva using our stunning Australian financial stock images. Grab the templates here

To keep things easy and simple we have also created a video guiding you through how to edit each template to suit your branding colours. Watch it here.

Sarah Founder of Financial Stock Images.